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Science Iowa minutes
July 13, 2022
4 p.m.

Dan Chibnall called the meeting to order at about 4:05 p.m. Present: President Dan Chibnall,
Treasurer Ruth Henderson, Secretary Tom O’Donnell, Laurie Neuerberg, Diane Jones and Kate

Approve the minutes of the June 15, 2022, meeting. See:
Ruth moves; Nathan seconds. Motion carries unanimously.

Treasurer’s report – Ruth Henderson
As of June 30: $120 in business checking and $1,123.53 in regular checking. There were
two deposits from donations.
Expenditures not submitted: popcorn machine and hot dog roller machine, $224.80; $345
insurance; supplies $115.50. Facebook has approved us for fundraising, but the donation button
doesn’t work. Ruth has staged an online fundraiser that has raised $325 so far.

New business: None

Old business:

Science Festival Trail – Ruth Henderson; see written report.
Organizations: There are more signed on this year and we’re waiting to hear from some.
See a list in a separate document.
Nathan reported that he just heard from a robotics team that is interested in participating.
A woman named Angelina Butler says the team has some cool activities for kids, including
answering questions about robots.
Volunteers: Thirteen youths have volunteered, most of them for the entire event. Ruth
will contact them. She is thinking about getting volunteer buttons them. Ruth also working on a
Google form for adult volunteers. She’d like to assign one adult to two or three students.
Thirteen student volunteers should be enough, but there will be more for them to do
because there will be more organizations, we we’ll need adults and students to set up tables and
canopies. The popcorn and hotdog machines will need supervision We’ll also need people to
periodically go through the area to collect trash. There will be lots for them to do.
Tables won’t be a problem. Ruth is borrowing many from friends. She will need to gather
them. Tom will have three canopies and Ruth will have three. That may be enough. Some groups
signed up to be close to the shelters with separate table and canopies. They’ll need canopies on
the rail for sun and rain shelter.
Publicity: Ruth has virtual flyers going to Des Moines, West Des Moines and Waukee
public schools on July 2.

Publicity: Kate Garner has written a release that includes participating organizations; she
will update as necessary. Kate will send the release by Monday and will follow up with
phone calls. (Tom missed some of what she said because her audio was unintelligible.)
Ruth did not order reusable bags this time to save money. She is getting brown paper
bags with handles and will put a sticker on them along with a Science Iowa flyer. She ordered
them today and they are reasonably priced.
Swag bag content: Dan has contacted Drake friends and colleagues with the South-
Central Iowa STEM Hub, part of the Governor’s STEM Advisory Council. They will provide
cool stuff to give away Nathan has snagged 100 free entrée cards from Chick-Fil-A. Trader Joes
will provide bananas and breakfast bars. Hy-Vee is probably willing to donate ice cream cups but
needs approval from a person on vacation. Dairy Queen will donate 75 free cone cards. Fareway
is interested in donating ice cream cups, too. Ruth suggested that if Hy-Vee or Fareway come
through on ice cream that we solicit the other one for hot dogs and buns.
Signs: Shutterfly (Ruth’s daughter works for them) will help with flyers and signs. We
won’t be able to use the West Des Moines schools print shop this time.
Food quantity: Ruth is figuring 150 to 200 people. We can always send for more if
Adult volunteer signup: Ruth is hoping to have adult volunteers collect donated supplies,
erect signs and make deliveries
Musician Jodi Stanfield will charge $200 for two hours for two hours. Ruth will inquire
about having her stay the entire four hours, which might cost another $100.
Passports: Ruth can’t print them too far in advance because we must include all
organizations and recognize donors, but she has the template, so it won’t take long to do.
Trash: We need recycling receptacles if possible. Tom will oversee trash and will check
into whether we can get boxes from the MWA.
Signs: Ruth is getting metal frames on which to mount cardboard signs. Paula also will
deliver some metal frames on July 21.
Diane Jones noted that she has two canopies and is available to assist. Ruth asked her to
fill out a signup form when it is on Facebook.
Nathan asked if we will fill the gift bags before the event. Ruth says no; volunteers can
fill them on the spot and tailor them to the recipient: adult or child.
Ruth wants another meeting before the event, Dan will send a when2meet.

2022 candidate survey – Tom O’Donnell
Tom met with the ASPIRE and Connecting Science to Society folks to review the
questions once again and consider our next steps. We tweaked some of the questions and will
send them to our organizations again for review. Meanwhile, we’re considering other
organizations we may want to have on board. The National Science Policy Network is
overseeing an effort to launch similar surveys in other states. Because Iowa has done this twice
before and did it for the 2022 primary, we’re ahead of the other states and NSPN is using us as
an example. We’ve submitted our questions to the organization for review and shared other
documents with them.

Board election – Tom O’Donnell

Just four people voted, all for Tom O’Donnell to resume his term.

Meeting with March for Science – Tom O’Donnell
We’ve failed to meet twice, perhaps because Tom has not properly set up the
When2Meet poll. We’re now going to meet at 3 p.m. CDT on July 22.

Meeting adjourned at 5:41 p.m.

© 2023 Science Iowa

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